產品编號:  RN 28005
產品條碼:  6953391900029
產品比例:  1/350
包裝尺寸 :  372 X210 X50mm
裝箱數量 :  18 Pieces Per Master Carton
發售時間:  October,2011
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美國海軍的洛杉磯級核動力潛艇是當今最先進的〝攻擊型潛艇〞。首艇在1972年安放龍骨並在兩年後建成下水。 這種360英尺長的新型潛艇相比以前其它的美國潛艇更大、更快捷、更安靜。其體積大是由於需要放置大型複雜的聲納陣列系統和其他追蹤設備。這型強大的潛艇有四具魚雷發射管,並可發射〝戰斧〞巡航尋彈。按照計畫此種潛艇會生產62艘, 並按發展階段分為三種型號批次:按編號由第一艘SSN-688〝洛杉磯〞號開始至SSN-718是屬於第一批次(Flight I), 通稱洛杉磯級。而從SSN-719〝普羅維登斯〞號是屬於第二批次(Flight II),與第一批次不同之處在於該批次的潛艇安裝了12具巡航導彈垂直發射管(VLS)。這說明此批次潛艇的魚雷發射管只供發射單一魚雷使用。最後的第三批次是從SSN-751〝聖祖安〞號開始的,潛艇的下潛飛翼被轉移安裝到船頭的兩側, 其作業系統更為先進,且更加安靜。通常這組別被稱作第二批次的改進型。

Los Angeles Class Submarine

The USS Los Angeles was the lead ship in a new class of "Hunter-Killer" nuclear powered submarines for the United States Navy. She was laid down in 1972 and launched two years later. This 360 foot submarine was bigger, faster and quieter than previous American submarines, the size being necessary to house the huge sonar array and other sophisticated tracking devices. Armed with four torpedo tubes that can also launch Tomahawk Cruise missiles, these were formidable submarines. Given the number SSN-688, the Los Angeles was the first of 62 such submarins divided in to three groups, the first, SSN-688 to 718 are Flight I and identical to the Los Angeles. The second group known as Flight II, from SSN-719 USS Providence, are fitted with 12 Vertical Launch System (VLS) tubes mounted in the bows for launching Cruise Missiles. This allows the torpedo tubes to be used only for torpedos. The final group from SSN-751 USS San Juan, have their dive planes moved to the bows and have upgraded systems and quieter opperation and are known as Improved Flight II.
